Sign In or Sign Up with GigEagle

Sign In or Sign Up with GigEagle

Anyone with a valid and active military email registed with DMDC is able to sign in or sign up with GigEagle You are already in the system! Please login with your military email or CAC card.

To login without a CAC card, download Okta Verify (Apple) (Android) and setup non-CAC authentication.

Other issues logging in? See common issues below.

To login without a CAC card, download Okta Verify (Apple) (Android) and setup non-CAC authentication.

Other issues logging in? See common issues below.

Issues Logging In?

My email is incorrect in GigEagle

If you notice that your military email is incorrect when logging into Gig Eagle, you may need to have it updated with the Defense Military Data Center (DMDC) Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) record. In order to correct any discrepancies the service member must contact DMDC directly.

To verify and update your military email

You can verify the information stored in DMDC here: Sign into milConnect here.

  • Choose 'My Profile'
  • Click 'Update and View My Profile'
  • Select the MIL tab and verify if your information is current and correct, and click 'Submit' to add or update any of your contact information.

To update your military email:

  • Choose the CAC update option (requires specific Active client SW) or
  • Contact the DMDC/DEERS Support Office (DSO): (800) 538-9552 or
  • Make an In person appointment at a local ID office, see this link for locations.
If you see an error message stating "certificate validation failed" or "No certificate selected.

Try again by quitting the browser then selecting another certificate" try closing the browser, disconnecting from your VPN and then login to GigEagle. Please send the VPN name and organization to

Service Help Desk Contacts

OKTA Help Desk

If you are having issues with OKTA please contact the OKTA A1 IT Service Desk.

800-525-0102, option 6 or


Unclass: 1-844-DISA-HLP

Army ESD

Unclass: 1-866-335-ARMY


Unclass: 1-877-596-5771

Navy 311

Unclass: 1-855-NAVY-311


Unclass: 1-855-ESD-USMC

Coast Guard FIXIT

Unclass: 1-855-CGFIXIT


Unclass: 1-800-600-9332